
Goal setting has been an emphasis of sports performance ; the importance of SMART goals to success, especially those written down. It doesn't differentiate winners from those who finish out…

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courage increases happiness

According to the TED Radio Hour, an NPR podcast study has shown that : Expressing gratitude increases the likelihood of happiness. Happy people aren't necessarily more likely to be grateful,…

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we are our habits

Around New Years I listened to the Jordan Harbinger podcast with James Clear the author of "Atomic Habits". I re-listened to a bit yesterday. Mr Clear talks about small changes…

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not sleeping we are losing out on a lot

Sleep is the greatest performance enhancer by far. It also significantly helps us be more creative and "enhances the vividness of how we process and recall emotional events," according to…

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Being uncomfortable can be making small changes like choosing to not do something, to rest, to recover. It isn't necessarily being lazy but seemingly in today's culture of "doing" mindset…

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attitude contagion

Just do your best. Some days that might be objectively better than others ; your performance might be greater on a particular day. Other days you might be giving it…

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fighting complacency

Nic Lamb, one of the best big-wave surfers in the world has talked about the importance of pushing outside the comfort zone. He sees failure or potential failure not as…

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degrees of courage

Courage is taking care of business, pushing a bit past what is comfortable. I saw a documentary the other day "Free Solo," which followed Alex Honnold's training for and completion…

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open your mind

Why do we talk about things like : an "open mind"? A mind is like a parachute-- it only works when it is open? It is part of a growth…

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perception of effort

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage" - Anais Nin, as quoted in Tim Ferris's "Tribe of Mentors." I've begun to really get into Tim's work, which I…

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